Dima Watermelon – Culturally Inappropriate (EN)

Wild and unapologetically hilarious standup comedy show by rising comedian Dima Watermelon.
This show is about the quirks of our diverse society and why you should not take life too seriously.
Warning: May contain some inappropriate jokes.

“Deadpan Absurdity” (c) Stewart Lee ‘The Guardian’
“A unique and hilarious perspective” (c) Der Spiegel
“Did you write it yourself?” (c) Dima’s mom

Expect spicy jokes and ridiculous life stories about the state of the world, Berlin techno clubs, online dating, interracial relationships, shark attacks, and other significant subjects. No topic is off-limits or too soon.
Brace yourself, because this show will exceed your expectations 😉

Who is Dima Watermelon?
Originally from Ukraine, Dima moved to Berlin 9 years ago in pursuit of a better life (which at that time were mostly parties) and immediately started doing standup comedy in order not to lose his sense of humor while integrating into German society. After 9 unsuccessful years of trying to become German, Dima gave up on his life, quit his day job as a software developer, and started doing comedy full-time, because laughter is the only way he can cope with everything that’s happening in the world.
Still not convinced? See more here: www.dimawatermelon.com

VRS-Fahrausweis zur Hin- und Rückfahrt: Alle Tickets, die über unseren Partner KölnTicket erworben werden und einen Normalpreis von mindestens 14,00€ haben, enthalten die Berechtigung zur Hin- und Rückfahrt zur entsprechenden Veranstaltung mit dem Öffentlichen Nahverkehr. Für Tickets deren Normalpreis unter 14,00 € liegt, können wir dies leider nicht anbieten. Bitte beachten Sie die Informationen vor dem Kaufabschluss auf Kölnticket.

Voll Klimatisiert: Das Urania Theater verfügt über eine moderne Klima- und Lüftungsanlage! Betrieben durch 100% Ökostrom. Dem Theaterbesuch steht also trotz Hitzewellen und Rekordsommern nichts im Weg.
