Christine Corvisier Quintett

The aesthetics and concept of the Christine Corvisier Quintet are based on a natural acoustic sound with plenty of room for improvisation and highlighting the solo qualities of all members of the band.
In each solo, they maintain creativity through interaction between the musicians, which often takes them in unexpected directions or atmospheres during concerts.
Christine Corvisier 5tet exist since 2006 and started in Amsterdam with a first album called „Melting Pot“, followed in 2008 with the album „WAlking Around“. In 2015 their new album „Reconnaissance“ got a lot of critics.

Christine Corvisier 5tet just recorded a new album “Chansons de Cologne” in which the saxophone player expresses the mixture of cultures that represents her: France, Germany and the American jazz from the United States.She decided to reinvent the songs of her childhood in a jazz register, with a modern aesthetic representative of Cologne .„This repertoire of French songs was sleeping in me and joined the many beautiful memories of my childhood.I simply wanted to bring them out, to relive them, to mix them with my adult life as a jazz musician and expatriate in Cologne.It was an intense and emotional experience for me that I loved sharing with the wonderful musicians of this band who made it possible „explains Christine CorvisierThe musicians who make up this band are all from the Cologne jazz scene, namely:

Sebastian Scobel: piano
Martin Schulte: guitar
David Andres: bass
Alex Parzhuber: Drums


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Voll Klimatisiert: Das Urania Theater verfügt über eine moderne Klima- und Lüftungsanlage! Betrieben durch 100% Ökostrom. Dem Theaterbesuch steht also trotz Hitzewellen und Rekordsommern nichts im Weg.


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